"We're making the Global Village a better neighborhood!"

Copyright Notice and Disclaimer:

Please note:  13 O'CLOCK is meant to be a positive experience for everyone from the contributors to the readers.  This disclaimer explains how our zine is published, along with such information as the dates that the zine will appear on the Internet.  If you have any questions please ask!  We are a "people friendly" zine.

13 O'CLOCK will be published twice a year, via the Internet.  13 O'CLOCK is currently a free publication, and not for profit.  We are dedicated to bringing positive fiction, non-fiction and poetry to as many people as possible.

All work published on our web site is specifically the creation and idea of the authors and all rights, and copyrights remain their own.  The work published in 13 O'CLOCK may not be re-published or printed for profit  without the sole permission of the author.  All work and ideas expressed in 13 O'CLOCK remain the author's and may not necessarily be shared by the Editor and Co-Editor's of 13 O'CLOCK.  This issue will be available from October 1, 1998 to April 1, 1999 at our web site:


Editorial Staff:

Editor………………………..Suzanne Nikolaisen
Co-Editor……………………………....Jamie Lott
Food Editor…………………….…..Janel Donner
Non-Fiction Editor………………..Connie Trump

Staff Artist…………………………....Patricia Roe

Email: 13oclock@softcom.net
3573 South Centennial Road
Magna, UT  84044-2479