- ASP & VBS - - -
Watch your language, oh sorry, scripting language. I've been sitting
here to long. You need to use a language like VBS or Perl with
ASP. Tutorials
and links
- CGI & PERL - - -
Was there life before ASP, was and is... with CGI
and Perl!
- DHTML - - -
From Cascading Style Sheets, to dynamic
scrollers, to text drop shadows, this stuff is pretty cool. Find
out why!
- PHP - - -
I've heard that if you know ASP this is a snap to pick up. As
for myself I got the books, and am trying to get my web server configured
to server them up... if anyone knows of a free server that supports PHP
out there, let me know. Thanks! Here are the
links I've dug up so far on PHP, XML and SOAP.
PHP fast&easy web development by Julie C.
Meloni comes with SQL 30 day shareware, Apache web server, and PHP4
Windows binary and source code. Here's a link to the book:
0-7615-3055-x:Product Link on Barnes &
A repeatables.com sister site