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13 O'Clock Guidelines
We believe there’s more to life than tossing your dinner after watching the evening news, or getting flipped off during your commute. The concept of the e-zine is that 13 O’CLOCK is a magical pocket of time in which our readers can go to read, and recharge their batteries.  Every story, poem, article, or drawing must be  positive - leaving the reader with a feeling of wonder, that the unbelievable has been made real. Our next issue is scheduled to appear in December of 1999. The e-zine will be published once a year - maybe more. The zine will be published via the Internet.  We only accept electronic submissions.  Please submit your submissions to the following e-mail address:  All rights for your work will remain yours.

Fiction: 10k words. Fantasy, Sci-fi, Speculative Fiction, Supernatural Suspense. We will read across the genres looking for stories driven by strong characters and visual descriptions. Leave the reader thinking "Could what happened in that story, really happen?" Give them a sense of wonder, bring on the Twilight Zone, The Outer limits. But it’s not just science fiction we’re after. Take the reader with you on a journey into the imagination. Bend the boundaries of the genres listed above. We are only looking for stories that are positive and offer hope, and show imagination.

Non-fiction: 3-4k words. Short articles about gardening, cooking. Wonderful escapes such as shops and parks near you, and the best books you‘ve ever read. The kind of books that leave you thinking, and realizing that despite the odds the protagonist met, the world is an OK place. From Enders Game by Card, Strangers by Koontz, Mossflower by Jacobs, we want short descriptive articles. Share the feeling the book gave you, and why our readers would want to read it too.

We are also looking for great recipes to share with our busy readers please share your cooking savvy with our readers.

Poetry: 16 Lines maximum. I prefer free verse, but will look at rhyme, especially if it’s humorous, or has a sense of wonder. Dazzle the senses! We want short poetry to give our readers a quick bite of something interesting. Make the reader stop and think, or laugh out loud. Evoke the beauty in the world-be it in the hub of downtown, or the wilderness. Make the important things in life reach out and bite the reader for a moment, taking away the sting of any negative experiences they’ve had during the day. Nature, angels, love, motherhood, families, work, gardening… and the same topics and genre’s listed above.

Artwork: Currently looking for art and photographs. I need cover art and interior illustrations, visually stimulating pieces. Any of the topics listed above. Send samples of your work as well, for possible future assignments.

What we don’t want: No pornography or erotica of any kind. No horror. If it might be offensive, don’t send it.

Payment: No payment available. However you will have access to the 13 O’CLOCK web page - this will include the ability to print the zine, for your contributors copy, as well as you can give the web page address out for others to see your work in electronic print.

Subscription Information: The zine is currently free and will be published at least once a year.

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Copyright notice: (c) 1999 All writing found within these web pages is the sole creation of Suzanne Nikolaisen and is protected under copyright law. Please read and enjoy. All characters and situations are fictional. Please do not plagiarize the content. If you would like to contact the author click here or send snail mail to: 3573 S. Centennial Rd., Magna, UT 84044.
© 2001 Suzanne Nikolaisen All rights reserved. - Disclaimer